Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mr. 47's Toon A Day Challenge!

I have been given the ultimate challenge: to balance senior year insanity with a toon a day challenge. Aside from juggling thesis, regular assignments, and any other projects I may have slated for the year, I am now morally obligated to create one cartoon a day.

But why would you do something this insane?

One, I am in fact insane. Two, I lost my hard drive this summer and as a result Pandora is seriously behind schedule and thus I want to use this as a means to catch up. So starting now, I will be posting 5 episodes of Pandora per week rather than its usual weekly/bi-weekly publishing schedule for the next 16 weeks. So for all you Hellspawn Underground fans (and those who will be after reading this, nudge nudge) get ready to read a shit ton of gut busting social satire. As long as humans continue to be as stupid as they are I will never run out of material.

For those who don't already have the link, you can read Pandora here:

The new episode is up!


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